Illustration 7.4: Overview of Connected Inverters
The name of the inverter is fetched directly from the inverter. The name cannot be changed
via the Danfoss SolarApp. To change the name of the inverter, see the corresponding inver-
ter manual.
7.2.4. Detailed Inverter Data
To display the detailed production data of one of the connected inverters, select the name of
the particular inverter (see illustration, marked with red arrow) and the inverter details window
opens. The following information is displayed:
Inverter name
Displays the name of the inverter.
Serial number
The serial number of the inverter.
Power output
The current power output.
Production today
Today's production.
Operation mode
The current mode of operation of the inverter.
Latest event
When an inverter event is present, it is shown here.
Grid voltage for each phase V
Present grid voltage measured by the inverter. For each phase
(number of phases, depending on the inverter type) (AC side).
Grid current for each phase A
Grid current measured by the inverter. For each phase (number
of phases, depending on the inverter type) (AC side).
Grid frequency for each
Grid frequency measured by the inverter. For each phase (num-
ber of phases, depending on the inverter type) (AC side).
PV voltage for each PV input V
For each PV input, the PV voltage measured by the inverter is
displayed (DC side).
PV current for each PV input A
For each PV input, the PV current measured by the inverter is
displayed (DC side).
Power level adjustment
When the current power output of the inverter is limited, the
value is displayed here.
Table 7.1: Detailed Inverter Data
7. Application and Data