To select an inverter as master inverter, use the display or the web interface of the inverter
by navigating to [Setup
Inverter details].
5.3.3. Configuring Fallback Values
If desired, fallback mode can be activated for both active power control and reactive power
control, if these control modes have been selected.
Fallback mode is engaged when either the master inverter loses connection to the CLX GM or a
follower inverter loses the connection to the master inverter. The timeout in either case is 10
minutes, and fallback mode is automatically disengaged upon restoring the connection.
The fallback values are distributed to each inverter when the settings are saved.
In case of connection issues between only some of the follower inverters and the master in-
verter, only the specific inverters experiencing connection issues engage fallback mode.
Illustration 5.4: Fallback Values
The grid management configuration is now completed and the actual set points can be viewed
in the menu: Plant level [Status
Grid management].
5. Configuration