Here you can confi gure all the outputs of the Master Controller
(see fi g. 5-a) for either a fl oor or radiator heating system. With fl oor
heating, you can choose regulation by means of an On/Off or a PWM
(Pulse Width Modulation) principle.
Choosing a radiator system automatically sets the regulation to PWM.
Even a mixed system with fl oor and radiator heating in separate
rooms can be selected by setting the outputs of the Master Controller
individually for each room to either fl oor or radiator heating.
Note: When the Master Controller is regulated by PWM, the cycle times
Floor heating: 2 hours
Radiator heating: 15 minutes.
In the
menu, activate the
Standby temperature
with OK in order to set a fi xed room temperature for all the Room
Thermostats to 5 – 35°C when the Global standby input is activated
on the Master Controller (see instruction for Master Controller, CF-MC
for installation details).
Here you can adjust the contrast of the Remote Controller display.
Link test:
Activates a link test to the Master Controller to test the wireless
transmission to and from the Remote Controller (see chapter 3).
Identify Master Controller:
This function enables you to identify one specifi c Master Controller
in a system of up to three Master Controllers. When this function is
activated, the Master Controller, whose identity you wish to reveal,
will fl ash all the output LEDs from 1 to 10 and back again several
times for easy identifi cation.