Shad-o-Scan 3001/4501 Detector
Teledyne DALSA
Operational reference
Using CamExpert with the Shad-o-Scan Detector
The Sapera CamExpert tool is the interfacing tool for GigE Vision detectors and cameras,
and is supported by the Sapera library and hardware. When used with a Shad-o-Scan
detector, CamExpert allows a user to test most of the operating modes. Additionally
CamExpert saves the Shad-o-Scan user settings configuration to the detector or saves
multiple configurations as individual detector parameter files on the host system (*.ccf).
An important component of CamExpert is its live acquisition display window which
allows immediate verification of timing or control parameters without the need to run a
separate acquisition program.
Click on any parameter and a short description is displayed below the Category pane.
The same context sensitive help is available by clicking on the
button then click on a
detector configuration parameter. Click on the
button to open the help file for more
descriptive information on CamExpert.