Piranha4 2K and 4K Camera Color User's Manual
Teledyne DALSA
Camera Link cable quality and length
The m axim u m allow able Cam era Link cable length d ep end s on the qu ality of the cable u sed and the
Cam era Link strobe frequ ency. Cable qu ality d egrad es over tim e as the cable is flexed . In ad d ition , as the
Cam era Link strobe frequ ency is increased the m axim u m allow able cable length w ill d ecrease. We d o not
gu arantee good im aging p erform ance w ith low qu ality cables of
length. In general, w e recom m end
the u se of high qu ality cables for any cable length.
The follow ing table lists som e resu lts achieved u sing the cam era s and a selection of cables and fram e
Camera Models
Max. Distance Tested
Frame Grabber
15 m
10 m
PX4 and PX8
Input signals, Camera Link
The cam era accep ts control inp u ts throu gh the Cam era Link SDR26F connector. The cam era ship s in
internal sync, and internally p rogram m ed integration .
EXSYNC (Exposure Start)
Line rate can be set internally u sing the GenICam featu res. The external control signal EXSYN C is
op tional and enabled throu gh the u ser interface. This cam era u ses the falling ed ge of EXSYN C to start the
exp osu re p eriod .
The EXSYN C signal tells the cam era w hen to integrate the im age, follow ed by the read ou t. It can be either
an internally generated signal by the cam era, or it can be su p p lied externally via the serial interface.
Dep end ing u p on the m od e of op eration the high tim e of the EXSYN C signal can rep resent the integration
p eriod .
: The EXSYN C signal is measured at CC1 and will give a “true” measurement (i.e. within the
m easu rem ent resolu tion of 25 ns) even thou gh the cam era w ill only trigger at a m axim u m of 70 KH z.
Output signals, Camera Link clocking signals
These signals ind icate w hen d ata is valid , allow ing you to clock the d ata from the cam era to you r
acqu isition system . These signals are p art of the Cam era Link configu ration and you shou ld refer to the
Cam era Link Im p lem entation Road Map , available at ou r
, for the stand ard location of
these signals.
Clocking Signal
LVAL (high)
Ou tp u tting valid line