Piranha HS-S0-06K Camera User Manual
Teledyne DALSA
shu td ow n again. If you enter any com m an d other than
, the cam era resp on d s
w ith:
Error 09: The camera's temperature exceeds the specified operating
Verify Pixel Coefficients
Use the
com m an d to d isp lay the p ixel coefficients in the ord er FPN , PRN U, FPN ,
PRN U… The camera also returns the pixel number for each fifth pixel.
6.3 Specific Solutions
No Output or Erratic Behavior
If you r cam era p rovid es no ou tp u t or behaves erratically, it m ay be p icking u p ran d om
noise from long cables acting as antenn ae. Do not attach w ires to u nu sed p in s. Verify that
the cam era is n ot receiving sp u riou s in p u ts (e.g. EXSYN C if cam era is in exp osu re m od e
that requ ires external sign als). Unu sed signals in the cable shou ld be term intated in 100Ω.
Line Dropout, Bright Lines, or Incorrect Frame Rate
Verify that the frequ ency of the internal sync is set correctly, or w hen the cam era is set to
external sync that the EXSYN C signal su p p lied to the cam era d oes not exceed the
camera’s useable frame rate under the current operating conditions.
Noisy Output
Check you r p ow er su p p ly voltage ou tp u ts for noise. N oise p resent on these lines can
resu lt in p oor vid eo qu ality.
Dark Patches
If d ark p atches ap p ear in you r ou tp u t the op tics p ath m ay have becom e contam inated .
Clean you r lenses an d sensor w ind ow s w ith extrem e care.
Take stand ard ESD p recau tions.
Wear latex gloves or finger cots.
Blow off d u st u sing a filtered blow bottle or d ry, filtered com p ressed air.
Fold a p iece of op tical lens cleaning tissu e (ap p rox. 3" x 5") to m ak e a squ are p ad th at
is ap p roxim ately one finger -w id th.
Moisten the p ad on one ed ge w ith 2-3 d rop s of clean solvent—either alcohol or
acetone. Do not satu rate the entire p ad w ith solvent.