Piranha HS-S0-06K Camera User Manual
Teledyne DALSA
Camera Hardware
2.1 Installation Overview
When installing you r cam era, you shou ld take these step s:
Pow er d ow n all equ ip m ent.
Follow the m anu factu rer’s in stru ctions to in stall the fram egrabber (if ap p licable). Be
su re to observe all static p recau tions.
Install any necessary im agin g softw are.
Before connecting p ow er to the cam era, test all p ow er su p p lies. En su re that all the
correct voltages are p resent at the cam era end of the p ow er cable. Pow er su p p lies
m u st m eet the requ irem ents d efined in the Pow er Connector section below .
Insp ect all cables and connectors p rior to installation. Do not u se d am aged cables or
connectors or the cam era m ay be d am aged .
Connect d ata and p ow er cables.
After connecting cables, ap p ly p ow er to the cam era.
Check the d iagnostic LED. See LED Statu s Ind icator for an LED d escrip tion.
You m u st also set u p the oth er com p onents of you r system , inclu d ing light sou rces,
cam era m ou nts*, host com p u ters, op tics, encod ers, and so on.
*Please see 4.3 H igh Tem p eratu re and Mou nting for m ore inform ation on cam era
m ou nting and heat d isp ertion.
This installation
overview assumes you
have not installed any
system components yet.