Piranha HS-S0-06K Camera User Manual
Teledyne DALSA
Exposure Modes in Detail
Fram e rate is set by the p eriod of the external trigger p u lses. EXSYN C p u lses faster than
the read ou t tim e are ignored . The falling ed ge of EXSYN C m arks the start of read ou t.
N ote: In TDI m od e the fram e p eriod equ als the line p eriod .
Figure 2: Mode 3 Timing
Mode 7: Internal Frame Rate, Maximum Exposure Time
In this m od e, the fram e rate is set internally u sing the
com m and w ith a m axim u m
exp osu re tim e.
N ote: In TDI m od e the fram e p eriod equ als the line p eriod .
Figure 3: Mode 7 Camera Timing