Operational Reference
Genie Color Series-GigE Vision Camera
Bayer Raw8 used during calibration (left) – RGB 32-bit, UYVY, or YUY2 for image acquisition (right)
Start the Flat Field calibration tool via the CamExpert menu bar:
Pre-processing • Flat Field Correction • Calibration
Flat Field Calibration Window
The Flat Field calibration window provides a three step process to acquire two reference images and then save the
flat field correction data for the Genie used. To aid in determining if the reference images are valid, a histogram tool
is provided so that the user can review the images used for the correction data.
CamExpert Flat Field Calibration Menu
Click on the
Advanced Setting
button to change the default number of frames averaged for each calibration
step. The default value is 10 frames.
Setup the camera to capture a uniform black image. Black paper with no illumination and the camera lens’ iris
closed to minimum can provide such a black image. Or cover the lens with a black lens cap.