Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual
Teledyne DALSA
The p aram eters u sed to select the im aging m od es—trigger sou rces (sync), exp osu re tim e, and fram e
rate—are grou p ed together as the Sensor Controls.
Sensor Controls
Fram e Rate (in H z)
Cam era fram e rate in H z. Only available w hen the start fram e trigger p aram eter is
d isabled (Trigger Mod e off).
Exp osu re Mod e
Set the operation mode for the camera’s exposure.
Trigger Wid th or Tim ed . Trigger Wid th is only available w hen Trigger Mod e is
enabled .
Trigger Width
Uses the w id th of the cu rrent Fram e trigger signal p u lse to control the exp osu re
d u ration. N ote, if the Fram e TriggerActivation is LevelH igh, the exp osu re
d u ration w ill be the tim e the trigger stays H igh. If TriggerActivation is LevelLow ,
the exp osu re tim e w ill last as long as the trigger stays Low . The TriggerWid th
setting is ap p licable w ith the TriggerSelector featu re set to Fram estart.
The exp osu re d u ration tim e is set u sing the Exp osu reTim e or Exp osu reTim eAu to
featu res and the exp osu re starts w ith the Fram eStart event.
Exp osu re Tim e
Sets the exp osu re tim e (in m icrosecond s). Exp osu re Mod e featu re m u st be set to
Tim ed
Exposure Modes in Detail
Internally Programmable Frame Rate and Internally
Programmable Exposure Time (Default)
Fram e rate is the d om inant factor w hen ad ju sting the fram e rate or exp osu re tim e. When setting the
fram e rate, exp osu re tim e w ill d ecrease, if necessary, to accom m od ate the new fram e rate. When
ad ju sting the exp osu re tim e the range is lim ited by the fram e rate .
The cam era w ill not set fram e p eriod s shorter than the read ou t p eriod .
GenICam parameters:
I / O Controls > Trigger Mode > Off
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