Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual
Teledyne DALSA
Figure 9. Relationship between the Camera Settings
Active Settings for Current Session
The active setting for the cu rrent session is the set of configu ration s that are op erating w hile the cam era is
cu rrently ru nning, inclu d ing all u nsaved changes you have m ad e to the settings before saving them .
These active settings are stored in the cam era’s
m em ory and w ill be lost and can not be restored if
the cam era resets or if the cam era is p ow ered d ow n or loses p ow er.
To save these settings for reu se the next tim e you p ow er u p or reset the cam era, or to p rotect against
losing them in the case of p ow er loss, you m u st save the cu rrent settings u sing the
User Set Save
p aram eter. Once saved , the cu rrent settings becom e the selected
User Set
User Setting
The u ser setting is the saved set of cam era configu rations that you can cu stom ize, resave, and restore. By
d efau lt the u ser settings are ship p ed w ith the sam e settings as the factory set.
The com m and
User Set Save
saves the cu rrent settings to non-volatile m em ory as a
User Set
. The cam era
au tom atically restores the last saved u ser settings w hen it p ow ers u p .
To restore the last saved u ser settings, select the
User Set
p aram eter you w ant to restore and then select
User Set Load
p aram eter.
Factory Settings
The factory setting is the cam era settings that w ere ship p ed w ith the cam era and w hich load ed d u ring the
cam era’s first p ow er-u p . To load or restore the original factory settings, at any tim e, select the
p aram eter and then select the
User Set Load
p aram eter.
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