8.2 [Zone] Tab
[Zone] Tab
enables installation zones to be defined
and named, and provides access to further sub-menus.
Zones might be lounge or dining areas for example, or
different rooms in the home. For all [Zone] Tab menus,
the installation zone under configuration is selected by
highlighting one of the zone identifiers (A, or B) at the top
of the page.
Diagram 8C
illustrates the
[Zone] Tab
menu option enables inputs to be
assigned to zones.
[GPIO Volume Control]
option enables external
volume control to be applied to individual zones. The
GPIO configuration menu can be found under the
[Settings] Tab
option enables default or custom
signal compression to be applied to individual
installation zones.
Zone name - click / touch to edit
Select mono or stereo
Select input
Select zone
Select GPIO volume control mode
Select compressor mode
and enable if required
Adjust zone volume
Diagram 8C
Tab display.
Compression can be useful to reduce the volume
difference between loud and quiet audio material. The
lower the compression threshold is set, the more
the difference between loud and soft will be reduced.
The overall zone volume may need to be increased
when compression is used. The default compression
parameters are appropriate for most installations.