TRIMAX Classic
Page 14
Fig. 5
If very deep tilling is required, the
cage roller arm can be moved
downwards in the holes (A).
The machine must be lowered to
the ground to support the cage rol-
ler before detaching.
Flat tilling
Setting for flatter/shallower tilling is done by moving the pins downwards
This will raise the chisel plough frame causing the tines to give flatter tilling.
It may be necessary to run the tines into the soil a little to loosen the pin (C,
fig. 4). Once the pin (C) has been inserted into a hole further down the flan-
ge, lift the machine to be able to place pin (B) as close to the arm (D) as pos-
Plate depth adjustment
Fig. 6
The correct plate setting leaves a
smooth field with no visible tracks
from the harrow tines. Fine adjust-
ment of the plates is performed
using the crank (A) once the machi-
ne is ready for use on the field. The
plates must be set to work on the
surface, to throw a sufficient
amount of soil back after the har-
row tine.