TRIMAX Classic
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TRIMAX Classic is a powerful chisel plough used for tilling stubble and crop
residue. Due to its high ground clearance and the distance between the ti-
nes, large volumes of crop residue can be tilled.
Fig. 1
The machine is designed to achieve full ripping, breaking up the growth of
crops and weeds. The shape of the tines causes soil and crop residue to be
thrown into the air and thoroughly mixed.
The machine consists of three bullet harrows followed by a row of angled
plates which smooth and spread evenly after the tilling tines. At the back is
the cage roller which controls depth, smoothes the soil and crushes clods.
The cage roller is available with a tubular packer roller, or 60 cm T-rings.
A 400 mm diameter flat steel crumbler can be mounted behind the standard
cage roller as an optional extra.
Advantages of TRIMAX Classic
Classic’s advantages consist of:
Exact depth setting between 4 and 20 cm.
supporting wheels to cause uneven packing.
Full ripping resulting in fewer passes.
Uniform mixing of crop residues.
Retains soil humidity.
The TRIMAX Classic is therefore well suited for tilling the upper soil layer, where the highest rate
of plant decomposition occurs. That's why the TRIMAX Classic is an efficient implement in a
strategy for reduced soil-cultivation, as only one pass is needed to achieve full ripping with uni-
form mixing of crop residues and soil microorganisms. To retain humidity in the soil and improve
the microclimate for soil organisms, the process is completed by packing the soil.