RANGE TO EMPTY Distance to empty (fuel) setup
The range to empty option will calculate an estimate of miles until empty.
This will vary on riding conditions and will change as it continually monitors fuel usage and speeds.
The process will begin with a full tank, and then enter into the FUEL menu, RANGE TO EMPTY, and LEARN RESET.
Once the reset has been done, you may ride until the tank is below ¼.
This can be done over multiple trips as long as no fuel is added until the level is less than 25%, then it must be filled.
When the system is working, the DIST TO E screen will have a countdown odometer.
When the DIST TO E odometer reaches 35 miles or 56km, it show a “RANGE LOW” warning.
Once the RANGE TO EMPTY is working, you may fill your tank normally, when needed.
Range function not available on Sportster models as they have a low fuel switch and not an actual sensor.
When “>RANGE TO EMPTY” is displayed, then press and hold the switch until “RELEASE”, and release the switch.
The options to select are “ON”, “OFF”, and “BACK”.
Press and release the switch to select an option.
Press and hold the switch until “RELEASE”, then release the switch.
If ON is selected, the next option is “LEARN RESET” and “BACK”.
“LEARN RESET” will tell the gauge to learn fuel usage while riding. It can be reset again if the process failed.
Once the fuel tank is full, you may select “LEARN PRESET”.
Press and hold the switch until “RELEASE”, then release the switch.
Exit setup
Cycle the ignition then you may ride until fuel is less than 25%.
Only then, you may refill the tank. Once full, the process will complete itself.
Filling and refilling must be done the same way, either both on kick stand or both upright.
TEST Gauge reading test
Press and release the switch until “TEST” is displayed, then press and hold the switch until “RELEASE” is displayed.
The calculated fuel level from 0 – 99% will be shown. Press the switch to exit.
Exit setup.
VOLT Low voltage warning setup
When “>VOLT” is displayed, press and hold the switch until “RELEASE”, then release the switch.
The low voltage warning points will range from 9.0 to 12.1 volts.
Press and release the switch to change the low voltage warning point.
Press and hold the switch until “RELEASE” is displayed, and release.
Exit setup.
DISPLAYS Message display option menu
When “>DISPLAYS” is displayed, press and hold the switch until “RELEASE” is displayed, and release.
The display options are “MESSAGE TOP”, “MESSAGE BTM”, and “BACK”.
The Speedometer has only two options: PERFOMANCE HIDE / SHOW.
If “PERFORMANCE SHOW” is selected, the options of “HIGH SPEED RECALL”, “0-60 TIME”, “¼ MILE TIME, with ¼
MILE SPEED”, and “HIGH RPM RECALL” will be added to the display options available while riding.
These options will appear after “SPEED km/h”, (or SPEED MPH if the speedometer is set to kilometers).
Any MBM modules will automatically be added to the list in MESSAGE TOP and BTM
TOP Speed Top message screen information
When “>MESSAGE TOP” is displayed press and hold until “RELEASE”, the release the switch.
The options will be “PERFORMANCE HIDE”, “PERFORMANCE SHOW”, and “BACK”.
Press and release to select the option.
Press and hold the switch to select your preference.
BTM Speed Bottom message screen information
When “>MESSAGE BTM” is displayed, then press and hold until “RELEASE”, the release the switch.
The options will be “PERFORMANCE HIDE”, “PERFORMANCE SHOW”, and “BACK”.
Press and release to select the option.
Press and hold the switch to select your preference.
MBMS Display which MBMs are connected and adjust warnings
To troubleshoot MBM connections, the speedometer can indicate which senders it sees connected.
When “>MBMS” is displayed, press and hold until “RELEASE”, then release the switch.
The screen will show “NONE” if there are no MBMs present.
If MBMs are present you will see a list of the MBMs are connected.
Press and release to scroll through the available MBMs that are connected.
Press and hold the switch to enter warning setup (does not apply to all) for attached MBMs.
Press and release the switch to scroll through available warning settings.
See the separate MBM manual for additional details.
Exit setup