MAN# 650665:A
OIL PSI Engine oil temperature setup menu
Only valid when optional SEN-1039 pressure sender is purchased from Dakota Digital.
When “>OIL PSI” is displayed, press and hold the switch until “RELEASE” is displayed, and release.
The options are “ON”, “OFF”, and “BACK”.
To enable oil PSI, move focus to “>ON”, press and hold the switch until “RELEASE” is displayed, and release.
The selections will be “LOW WARNING”, “TEST” and “BACK”.
Press and release the switch to change the selection, press and hold the switch to select it.
Low warning Low oil pressure warning setup
When “>LOW warning” is displayed, press and hold the switch until “RELEASE” is displayed, and release.
The low pressure options will range from 0 to 30 PSI.
Press and release the switch to change the change the low oil pressure warning point.
To exit, press and hold the switch until “RELEASE” is displayed, and release.
TEST Voltage test
When “>TEST” is displayed, press and hold the switch until “RELEASE” is displayed, and release.
The display will give a voltage return from the sender with 0.5 volts at zero PSI.
0.0 volts means the sensor is not connected.
To exit, press and hold the switch until “RELEASE” is displayed, and release.
Exit setup.
VOLT Low voltage warning setup
When “>VOLT” is displayed, press and hold the switch until “RELEASE” is displayed, and release.
The low voltage warning points will range from 9.0 to 12.1 volts.
Press and release the switch to change the low voltage warning point.
Press and hold the switch until “RELEASE” is displayed, and release.
Exit setup.
DISPLAYS Message display option menu
Refer to graphic on page 7 for indicator and message locations.
When “>DISPLAYS” is displayed, press and hold the switch until “RELEASE” is displayed, and release.
The display will show “MESSAGE TOP”, “MESSAGE BTM”, “MBMs”, or “BACK”.
Press and release the switch to change the selection, press and hold the switch until “RELEASE” is displayed, and release.
MESSAGE TOP Top message screen information
When “>MESSAGE TOP” is displayed, press and hold the switch until “RELEASE” is displayed, and release.
The selectable options are “PERFORM HIDE”, “PERFORM SHOW”, and “BACK”.
Push and release the switch to select the option, press and hold the switch until “RELEASE” is displayed, and release.
PERFORM HIDE: does not allow any performance option displays to be show while riding.
PERFORM SHOW: turns on the following options, which can toggled through while riding.
HIGH Speed (MPH – km/h), 0-60 time, ¼ mile speed with ¼ mile time, and HIGH RPM.
Press and release the switch to change the change the option.
Press and hold the switch until “RELEASE” is displayed, and release.
Exit setup.
BTM MESSAGE Bottom message screen information
When “>MESSAGE BTM” is displayed, press and hold the switch until “RELEASE” is displayed, and release.
The selectable options are “PERFORM HIDE”, “PERFORM SHOW”, and “BACK”.
Push and release the switch to select the option, press and hold the switch until “RELEASE” is displayed, and release.
PERFORM HIDE: does not allow any performance option displays to be show while riding.
PERFORM SHOW: turns on the following options, which can be toggled through while riding.
HIGH Speed (MPH – km/h), 0-60 time, ¼ mile speed with ¼ mile time, and HIGH RPM.
Press and release the switch to change the change the option.
Press and hold the switch until “RELEASE” is displayed, and release.
Exit setup.
MBMS Display which MBMs are connected and adjust warnings
If a pressure or boost sensor is not connected or failed, the display will show “FAIL”, “TOO LOW”.
If no MBM is attached but the display shows a blank value, click through the displays to remove it.
When “>MBMs” is displayed, press and hold the switch until “RELEASE” is displayed, and release.
The screen display what MBM modules are attached and more than one input if it exists.
The screen will show “NONE” if there are no MBMs present.
Press and release the switch to move through the MBMs attached.
Press and hold the switch until “RELEASE” is displayed on the MBM setting to modify.
See the separate MBM manual for additional details.
Exit Setup.