(7) Connect a scan tool, select from Main Menu,
System Select, Engine, System Tests, Fuel Quantity
Test, Engine Cranking Test and follow the screen.
(8) After ten seconds, a maximum of 2.5 ml
(between 2 & 3 graduation lines) may be reached in
the inner vials. If the level has exceeded the 2.5 ml,
replace that affected cylinder’s injector, clear the
memory using the scan tool, empty the test vials, and
NOTE: If an injector is found to be out of specifica-
tion, repeat this test procedure after the injector
replacement. Hydraulic flow will take the path of
least resistance and multiple failures may be identi-
fied. Engine temperature must be above 80° C
(176°F) to perform the running test.
Perform this test with the engine at operating tem-
perature. This test will assist in determining a defec-
tive or internally leaking injector(s) is present by
measuring the amount of fuel return.
(1) Turn the ignition off.
(2) Remove the engine cover (Refer to 9 - ENGINE
(3) Disconnect the fuel return hoses at the top of
the injectors.
(4) Pinch off the fuel return line at the banjo bolt
fitting of the fuel rail.
(5) Install the test vials onto the injectors and
secure with the return hose clips (Fig. 2).
(6) Connect a scan tool, select from Main Menu,
System Select, Engine, System Tests, Fuel Quantity
Test, Engine Running Test and follow the screen.
(7) After ten seconds, a maximum of five gradua-
tion lines (40 ml) of the large test vial may be
reached. If the level has exceeded the five graduation
line, replace that affected cylinder’s injector, clear the
memory using the scan tool, empty the test vials, and
CAUTION: Cleanliness cannot be overemphasized
when handling or replacing diesel fuel system com-
ponents. This especially includes the fuel injectors,
high-pressure fuel lines, fuel rail, and fuel injection
pump. Very tight tolerances are used with these
parts. Dirt contamination could cause rapid part
wear and possible plugging of fuel injector nozzle
tip holes. This in turn could lead to possible engine
misfire. Always wash/clean any fuel system compo-
nent thoroughly before disassembly and then air
dry. DO NOT wire brush injector nozzles when
cleaning. Cap or cover any open part after disas-
sembly. Before assembly, examine each part for
dirt, grease or other contaminants and clean if nec-
essary. When installing new parts, lubricate them
with clean engine oil or clean diesel fuel only.
Connect a hose to the Water in Fuel (WIF) drain
and place it in a clearly marked and suitable con-
tainer. Open the WIF drain by turning counterclock-
wise (Fig. 3). Turn the ignition key on for 20 seconds
(Refer to low pressure fuel pump operation). Repeat
the procedure until all water is removed, close the
drain and remove the hose.
Fig. 2 Special Tool # 9545
1 - SPECIAL TOOL #9545
14 - 3