System Setup
Menu Item
A backlight is used for the LCD of the intelligent Touch Controller. The backlight
has its service life and the luminance of the backlight is reduced in proportion to
the period of time it is illuminated. This setting is for preventing the luminance
from being reduced in a short time by automatically turning the backlight OFF
when the touch panel has been left untouched for a set period of time.
If the backlight has been turned off automatically, touching the panel illuminates
the backlight again.
Backlight setting includes the following two steps:
1.Set the time before the backlight is automatically turned OFF.
Range: 1 - 60 minutes in increments of one minute.
2.Set whether the backlight should be automatically illuminated when any error is
generated in the air conditioner while the backlight is turned OFF.
Note: If this setting is not made, the backlight generally requires replacement every 3
- 4 years.
The life of the backlight becomes even shorter if it is illuminated in a low
temperature (10
C or lower) environment for a long time.
When using the intelligent Touch Controller in a low temperature environment,
it is recommended that a shorter time is set for 1. above and Disabled for 2.
Set the name, description, icons to be displayed and temperature setting limit
(see Note) for the group.
If this registration is not made, addresses for central management of the group is
used for the Name and Description. Operation is not affected if these settings
are not made.
Addresses for central management include up to 64 addresses 1-00, 1-01, ......
1-15, 2-00, ...... 4-15.
(Note): The temperature setting limit is a function to allow operation only within
the preset temperature limit to prevent too much cooling or heating.
(The limit function above does not work when the operation mode of the
air conditioners is Auto.)
Ex.: Temperature setting limit: 25 - 35
C cooling
If the temperature is set to 20
C with the remote control, the intelligent
Touch Controller automatically changes the temperature setting to 25
Group Setup
Set the name, description, icons to be displayed and sequential starting of the
groups registered for a zone (see Note), and groups to be registered for the zone.
The zone includes “Collective,” for which all groups are registered in advance.
This zone is made available for making the settings for all of the air
conditioners connected to the intelligent Touch Controller. The name,
description or registered groups cannot be changed for this Collective zone.
(Note): Setting sequential starting of groups registered for the zone
When multiple groups are registered for a zone and operation is performed by
the zone, air conditioner outdoor units start operation at one time. If many
outdoor units start at the same time, a large amount of current is used
momentarily, which may trip the breaker when the power capacity of the
receiving device is not enough. This setting is a function to prevent such
phenomenon by starting air conditioners one by one.
(Memo 1): When power distribution (optional) is performed, the zone registered
here becomes the unit for distribution (tenant). Register the zone
setting by the tenant.
(Memo 2): One group can be registered for more than one zone.
Zone Setup
See page
See page
See pages