IM 1171-3 / Page 13 of 16
Optional Technician Adjustments
9 = Humidity Setpoint (HSP).
10 = Temperature Value & Humidity Setpoint.
11 = Temperature Setpoint & Humidity Setpoint.
12 = Temperature Value & Temp Setpoint & Humidity
13 = Humidity Value & Humidity Setpoint.
14 = Temperature Value, & Humidity Value &
Humidity Setpoint.
15 = Humidity Value & Temperature Setpoint &
Humidity Setpoint.
16 = Temperature Value & Temperature Setpoint &
Humidity Value & Humidity Setpoint (WSHP
P11 Setpoint Button Lockout
(Factory set to “0”: Temp.
& Humidity Setpoint Enabled.
Selections in P11 will impact Menu P10).
Both Temperature & Humidity Setpoints are enabled
(No Setpoint lockout, WSHP Units Only).
Humidity Setpoint Only is Enabled (Temperature
setpoint is locked out, WSHP Units Only).
Temperature Setpoint Only is Enabled (Humidity
setpoint is locked out).
Both Temperature & Humidity Setpoints are Disabled
(Full Setpoint lockout).
Dehumidification Enable/Disable
Dehumidification is Disabled (Factory default
for FCU Units).
Dehumidification is Enabled (Factory default
for WSHP Units).
Occupancy Button Enable/Disable
(Factory set to
enabled “ObE”).
Occupancy Button Enabled (Factory default)
Occupancy Button Disabled
Firmware Version - XXX.X
P15 For Units with a BACnet or LonWorks
Communications Module
Setpoint Calibration Offset (Factory set to “0”.)
• “UP” to increase offset up to +100 will raise the
MicroTech III perceived set point from the sensor.
• “DOWN” to decrease offset down to -100. This will lower
the MicroTech III perceived set point from the sensor.
Calibrate the displayed set point to the set point value sent
to the MicroTech III as follows:
Set the digital room sensor displayed set point to 90° F.
2. Observe the local set point via the BAS/EMS connected
by the BACnet or LonWorks Communications Module.
Adjust the Configuration Menu P15 on the sensor until
the local set point and the displayed set point are equal.
P15 For Units without a BACnet or LonWorks
Communications Module
Setpoint Calibration Offset (Factory set to “0”.)
• “UP” to increase offset up to +100 will raise the
MicroTech III perceived set point from the sensor.
• “DOWN” to decrease offset down to -100. This will lower
the MicroTech III perceived set point from the sensor.
The Setpoint Calibration Offset can be calculated using the
following formula:
ROUND [(Controller Vdd / Sensor Vdd )*1000]-1000
Given: Controller Vdd = 5.15VDC
Sensor Vdd = 4.95 VDC
The programmed Calibration Offset would be
[(5.15/4.95)*1000] -1000 = 40