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DAIHAN Scientific, Forced Convection type Smart Oven 13/80
<Fig.2.2.11> Delete users from the list
<Fig.2.2.12> Enter new usser information
<Fig.2.2.13> ID, Password error message
(2) Deleting users
Users are deleted when the button is touched after selecting users to delete from the user
(3) Registering new users
First-time users for Smart-Lab and WiRe Service must register user information. Enter ID,
Password and Name.
ID must be entered in at least more than 6 and less than 20 lowercase alphabetic
characters and digits. In cases of duplicate ID or less than 6 or more than 20 places other
than lowercase, uppercase alphabets or numbers are entered, a pop up message will be
shown alerting the ID setting is not allowed.
Password must be entered in at least more than 6 and less than 20 capital, lowercase
alphabetic characters, special symbols. If not at least more than 6 and less than 20 capital,
lowercase alphabetic characters, special symbols are entered, a pop up message not
allowing registering will appear.
ID, Password, Name once entered is not possible to change.