DGS-3400 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Ethernet Managed Switch CLI Manual
create vlan
<vlan_name 32> {tag <vlanid 2-4094> | {advertisement} | type [1q_vlan |
private_vlan | protocol-ip | protocol-ipx802dot3 | protocol-ipx802dot2 | protocol-
ipxSnap | protocol-ipxEthernet2 | protocol-appleTalk | protocol-decLat | protocol-
sna802dot2 | protocol-snaEthernet2 | protocol-netBios | protocol-xns|protocol-
vines | protocol-ipV6 | protocol-userDefined <hex 0x0-0xffff> encap [Ethernet |
llc | snap | all] | protocol-rarp]}
delete vlan
<vlan_name 32>
config vlan
<vlan_name 32> {[add [tagged | untagged | forbidden] | delete] <portlist> |
advertisement [enable | disable]}
config gvrp
[<portlist> | all] {state [enable | disable] | ingress_checking [enable | disable] |
acceptable_frame [tagged_only | admit_all] | pvid <vlanid 1-4094>}
enable gvrp
disable gvrp
show vlan
{[<vlan_name 32> | vlanid <vidlist>] | ports <portlist>}
show gvrp
enable double_vlan
disable double_vlan
create double_vlan
<vlan_name 32> spvid <vlanid 1-4094> {tpid <hex 0x0-0xffff>}
config double_vlan
<vlan_name> {[[add [access | uplink] | delete] <portlist> | tpid <hex 0x0-0xffff>]}
delete double_vlan
show double_vlan
enable pvid auto_assign
disable pvid auto_assign
show pvid auto_assign
config private_vlan
[<vlan_name 32> | vid <vlanid 1-4094>] [add [isolated | community] | remove]
[<vlan_name 32> | vlanid <vidlist>]
Each command is listed, in detail, in the following sections.
create vlan
Used to create a VLAN on the Switch.
create vlan <vlan_name 32> {tag <vlanid 2-4094> | {advertisement} | type [1q_vlan |
private_vlan | protocol-ip | protocol-ipx802dot3 | protocol-ipx802dot2 | protocol-ipxSnap |
protocol-ipxEthernet2 | protocol-appleTalk | protocol-decLat | protocol-sna802dot2 |
protocol-snaEthernet2 | protocol-netBios | protocol-xns|protocol-vines | protocol-ipV6 |
protocol-userDefined <hex 0x0-0xffff> encap [Ethernet | llc | snap | all] | protocol-rarp]}
This command allows the creation of a VLAN on the Switch.
<vlan_name 32>
The name of the VLAN to be created.
tag <vlanid 2-4094>
The VLAN ID of the VLAN to be created. Allowed values = 2-4094
Specifies that the VLAN is able to join GVRP.
type – This parameter uses the type field of the packet header to determine the packet protocol
and destination VLAN.