DXS-1210 Series Smart Managed Switch CLI Reference Guide
terminal length
The command is used to configure the number of lines displayed on the screen. The terminal length
command will only affect the current session. The terminal length defaultcommand will set the
default value but it doesn’t affect the current session. The newly created, saved session terminal
length will use the default value. Use the no form of this command to revert to the default setting.
terminal length NUMBER
no terminal length
Specifies the number of lines to display on the screen. This value must
be between 0 and 512.When the terminal length is 0, the display will
not stop until it reaches the end of the display.
By default, this value is 25.
Command Mode
Use the EXEC Mode or Privilege EXEC Mode for the terminal length command.
Command Default Level
Level: 1 (for the terminal length command).
Usage Guideline
When the terminal length is 0, the display will not stop until it reaches the end of the display.
If the terminal length is specified to a value other than 0, for example 50, then the display will stop
after every 50 lines. The terminal length is used to set the number of lines displayed on the current
terminal screen. This command also applies to Telnet and SSH sessions. Valid entries are from 0 to
512. The default is 24 lines. A selection of 0's instructs the Switch to scroll continuously (no pausing).
Output from a single command that overflows a single display screen is followed by the --More--
prompt. At the --More-- prompt, press CTRL+C, q, Q, or ESC to interrupt the output and return to the
prompt. Press the Spacebar to display an additional screen of output, or press Return to display one
more line of output. Setting the screen length to 0 turns off the scrolling feature and causes the entire
output to display at once. Unless the default keyword is used, a change to the terminal length value
applies only to the current session. When using the no form of this command, the number of lines in
the terminal display screen is reset to 24.
This example shows how to change the lines to be displayed on a screen to 60.
Switch# terminal length 60
session timeout
This command is used to configure the line session timeout value. Use the no form of this command
to revert to the default setting.
session-timeout MINUTES
no session-timeout