Basic Setup
Port: The port to use for VOIP service.
Register Server: Address of the register server.
Proxy: Address of the proxy.
Outbound Server: Address of the outbound server.
Port: Port for to use for the outbound server.
Backup Register
Server: Backup address of the register server.
Backup Proxy: Backup address of the proxy.
Backup Outbound Server: Backup address of the outbound server.
Backup Port: Port for to use for the backup outbound server.
Register Life Time: Lifetime of the registration process.
Enable Link Test: Tick to enable testing of VOIP link.
Link Test Interval: The number of seconds between VOIP link tests.
Retry Interval The number of seconds before retrying registration.
Enable P-Asserted-Identity: Tick to enable P-Asserted-Identity.
Allow SIP Source: IP address of the allow SIP source.
Connection 1
Enable: By default, the box is ticked
Username: Enter the username as provided by the VoIP/SIP provider.
Password: Enter the password as provided by your VoIP/SIP provider.
URI: Enter the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) if applicable to your service.
Instance ID: Enable SIP instance ID to register the same account on multiple devices linked to the DWR-
to apply the settings and click
to refresh the page.