D-Link DSL-G256DG VDSL Router User Manual
Web User Interface Configuration
Page 54
Wireless Security Mode – Shared
Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP)
is any entry level wireless security method that we can use to prevent unauthorized wireless access to this router. WEP is not a very
secure option, but it is better than no wireless security.
After selecting to use
network authentication and enabling the WEP
encryption option as your wireless security mode, the following parameters will be
available to configure:
Encryption Strength:
Select the WEP key length value used here. Options to
choose from are
128 bit (26 hex digits)
64 bit (10 hex digits)
Current Network Key:
Select one of the 4 key options available and enter a
wireless security key in the appropriate space provided. This key must be
configured on all the wireless clients for them to be able to connect to your
wireless network.
Click the
button to accept the changes made.