Configuration Upload and
This document aims to help the user upload and download configuration pa-
rameters from DPH-80 system.
Configuration Upload
This feature of DPH-80 uploads the current system configuration and stores it
in a configured computer. This feature is implemented using the standard tftp
Uploading the Configuration
The DPH-80 system must be configured with the system IP address of the
upload destination and the filename in which parameters will be stored. This
can be configured using the web interface. For this configuration Login to
General Configuration/TFTP Configuration.
TFTP server:
This is the system where the tftp server is running, and
where the configurations will be stored.
Configuration Upload Filename:
This is the name of the uploaded con-
figuration file, without the extension. The DPH80 system will automati-
cally include the .txt extension while uploading.
if the tftp server is running at the address, and
the upload filename is upld, then the TFTP Configuration fields would be
entered as follows.