DGS-3100 Series Gigabit Stackable Managed Switch Hardware Installation Guide
-- Unit Number 1 Master Enabled --
Running eeprom code for 98DX269 Dev 0. Please wait...
Running eeprom code for 98DX269 Dev 1. Please wait...
01-Jan-2000 01:01:55 %INIT-I-InitCompleted: Initialization task is completed
>Tapi Version: v1.3.3.1
01-Jan-2000 01:01:56 %Box-I-FAN-STAT-CHNG: FAN# 1 status is - operational.
01-Jan-2000 01:01:56 %Entity-I-SEND-ENT-CONF-CHANGE-TRAP: entity configuration
change trap.
01-Jan-2000 01:01:56 %Box-W-PS-STAT-CHNG: PS# 1 status is - not operational.
Core Version: v1.3.3.1
01-Jan-2000 01:01:57 %SNMP-I-CDBITEMSNUM: Number of running configuration
items loaded: 0
01-Jan-2000 01:01:57 %SNMP-I-CDBITEMSNUM: Number of startup configuration
items loaded: 0
01-Jan-2000 01:01:57 %Box-I-STCK-CFG-CHNG: Configuration changed: chain .
01-Jan-2000 01:01:58 %Box-I-SFP-PRESENT-CHNG: unit_id 1 SFP 0 status is not
01-Jan-2000 01:01:58 %Box-I-SFP-PRESENT-CHNG: unit_id 1 SFP 1 status is not
01-Jan-2000 01:01:58 %Box-I-SFP-PRESENT-CHNG: unit_id 1 SFP 2 status is not
01-Jan-2000 01:01:58 %Box-I-SFP-PRESENT-CHNG: unit_id 1 SFP 3 status is not
01-Jan-2000 01:01:58 %LINK-W-Down: 1:1
01-Jan-2000 01:02:00 %Box-I-SFP-PRESENT-CHNG: unit_id 1 SFP 0 status is not
01-Jan-2000 01:02:00 %Box-I-SFP-PRESENT-CHNG: unit_id 1 SFP 1 status is not
01-Jan-2000 01:02:00 %Box-I-SFP-PRESENT-CHNG: unit_id 1 SFP 2 status is not
01-Jan-2000 01:02:00 %Box-I-SFP-PRESENT-CHNG: unit_id 1 SFP 3 status is not
01-Jan-2000 01:02:00 %LINK-W-Down: 1:2
User Name:PoE software version:
H.W. Version 0: Identifies the PCB version.
Full S.W. version is: Prod#.SW Ver.Param# - 0.400.0
Build Num 1, Internal SW 321.
PoE device version:
PoE Device 0, hw Version: 2. 12 ports.
PoE Device 1, hw Version: 2. 12 ports.
User Name:admin
Figure 3-4. User Name and Password Prompt