Manual del Usuario
/ DXI series /
User’s Manual
Recalling a Memory…
When a memory is recalled, after choosing the type (Input, Output, Source or Everything), recall of
Output memories is further qualified by what bank of outputs the recalled data is to affect – amplifier or
To recall a memory, from the home screen, press MENU, choose the GLOBAL MEMORY Sub-Menu
and press ENTER.
MEMORY Sub -Menu
Recall an Output Memory
Use the encoder or BACK and NEXT keys to choose either Input or Output memory type as
appropriate and press ENTER.
RECALL an Output Memory Recall to
Aux Outputs *
Use the encoder to choose the memory required, remembering that the list will only contain
memories of the chosen type, and so the numbers may not be contiguous (so there may be gaps!)
Press ENTER and confirm. If the routing configuration of the memory just recalled is different to the
current configuration, the outputs will be muted for safety.
Dependant on the bank selected, the display will by default show the name of the last input, amp
output or aux output memory recalled, or the same on all three if an “Everything” memory was recalled.
RECALL an Output Memory 94:LEFT SIDE