Manual del Usuario
/ DXI series /
User’s Manual
Channel EDIT keys will be automatically ganged, and the display reflects the bridged mode by
changing to show the following when a bridged pair are edited:
1<B>2 Output 1 Gain
Output Gain = 0.0dB
In this example, the bridged pair are outputs 1 & 2 and this will be displayed if EDIT is pressed on
either output channel.
Bridged status is stored in an output memory, and ignored if this memory is recalled into the auxiliary
Resetting Audio Parameters
Resetting parameters is available through the CONFIGURATION > Output Routing menu and
CONFIGURATION > Auxiliary Routing menu as part of the set-up wizard.
The final set-up query is about resetting the current parameters. If you have already edited the
outputs' DSP settings and are setting up routing last, make sure you select “No” when asked about
resetting, or all your filter, delay limiter and crossover parameters will be cleared!
Output Routing
Clear Out Settings:Yes*
If “Yes” is selected, then, depending on format chosen, all outputs will be set to full range (no
crossover), limiters at max threshold (so minimum protection), delays and gains at zero, polarity
normal and all bands of EQ to PEQ mode, 1kHz, Q of 3.0 and 0dB. All output/auxiliary
channels will also be muted for safety!
Certain formats will preset the crossover frequencies to give a useful starting point:
Selecting a 2 x 2 way configuration will preset the output crossovers as
Outputs 1 + 3: <10Hz – 1.62kHz, 24dB/Oct. Link-Riley
Outputs 2 + 4: 1.62kHz - >32kHz, 24dB/Oct. Link-Riley
Selecting a 1 x 4way configuration will preset the output crossovers as
Output 1: <10Hz – 149Hz, 24dB/Oct. Link-Riley
Output 2: 149Hz – 1.31kHz, 24dB/Oct. Link-Riley
Output 3: 1.31kHz – 8.00kHz, 24dB/Oct. Link-Riley
Outputs 4: 8.00kHz – >32kHz, 24dB/Oct. Link-Riley
In both cases, all other DSP functions are reset as in bold above.
Hint: This procedure can be used to quickly clear all EQ – simply run through all the steps of
either output or auxiliary routing as appropriate without changing anything and select “Yes” when
asked about clearing output settings.
Ganging Channels for Editing
To make editing of multiple channels simpler (for example, stereo input sources or two-way
output editing), it's possible to gang channels together so that any edits applied to one will
automatically be applied to the other (or others).
Ganging is separated for inputs, outputs and auxiliary channels, but the method of setting
them up is identical so only the output ganging option will be covered here.
To change output ganging, from the home screen, press MENU, choose the CONFIGURATION
Sub-Menu and press ENTER.
Output Ganging