Manual del Usuario
/ DXI series /
User’s Manual
Output Limiters: Program Limiter
Note that the output limiters are calibrated differently for the amplifier output channels and the
auxiliary output channels. They cover the same range, but the scaling on the threshold is different as the
auxiliary outputs are calibrated to the maximum line output level, whilst the amplifier outputs are
calibrated to include the gain of the power amplifier.
Out 1 Output 1
Ak=2.0mS Rl=x16 +38.5dB
Move between the attack time, the release time and the threshold by pressing the ENTER key.
If the message “Automatic T/C” appears on the limiter edit screen, this means that the limiters time
constants have been set to be configured automatically, based on the frequency of this channel's high
pass crossover filter.
To turn this feature off, and use manual attack and release times, please see the section on page 27
describing amplifier and auxiliary routing.
Release time is set as a multiplier of the attack time, so is represented as a “time N” readout. The
minimum release time is twice the attack time, to minimise audible artefacts of inappropriate limiter time
constants. We recommend using the automatic feature unless there is a good reason not to – a badly
set up limiter will not only function incorrectly, and not provide the protection you expect, it can also
sound pretty terrible!
Setting up limiters has perhaps been seen as a “black art” by some engineers – it is actually a simple
process, as long as you have a few basic pieces of information to hand. Please read through the section
on limiters and how to set them correctly, starting on page 46 of this manual.
Output Limiters: Peak Limiter
The peak limiter immediately follows the program limiter in an output (both power amplifier and
auxiliary) signal path. It is designed to control the peaks that pass through the program limiter, due to
the attack time set on the program limiter. A slow attack time will allow the program limiter to exceed its
threshold for a short period, and this may cause over excursion on LF drivers. This may be controlled by
imposing an absolute maximum level, set in dB above the program limiter threshold. This limiter has a
zero overshoot characteristic and so only has a release parameter (with no attack time).
Out 1 Output 1 PeakLim
Rel.=Medium +3.5dB Abv
Toggle between release time (Slow/Medium/Fast) and the threshold above the Program limiter by
pressing the ENTER key. If the release time is replaced with “Rel.=Auto”, this means that the limiters time
constants have been set to be configured automatically, based on the frequency of this channel's high
pass crossover filter. Please see the section on page 27 describing amplifier and auxiliary routing, if you
want to revert to manual release time.