PSoC® 6 BLE Prototyping Board Guide, Doc. # 002-24993 Rev. **
PSoC Creator
PSoC Creator
is a state-of-the-art, easy-to-use integrated design environment (IDE). It introduces
revolutionary hardware and software co-design, powered by a library of pre-verified and
pre-characterized PSoC Components. With PSoC Creator, you can:
1. Drag and drop Components to build your hardware system design in the main design workspace.
2. Co-design your application firmware with the PSoC hardware.
3. Configure Components using configuration tools.
4. Explore the library of 100+ Components.
5. Review Component datasheets.
Figure 1-3. PSoC Creator Features
PSoC Creator also enables you to tap into an entire tool ecosystem with integrated compiler chains
and programmers for PSoC devices.
For more information, visit
. Visit the
PSoC Creator Video Training
for video tutorials on learning and using PSoC Creator.