FM4 S6E2H-Series Starter Kit Guide, Doc. No. 002-11387 Rev. **
1. Cypress FM4 MCU S6E2HG6A0J
2. Non-Maskable Interrupt pin (NMIX) switch (SW3)
3. User button (SW2)
4. Reset LED
5. Reset button
6. MB9AF312K Programmer and Debugger (CMSIS-DAP)
7. 20-pin JTAG interface (CN2)
8. VBUS selection jumper for CMSIS-DAP (J2)
9. Programmer and debugger enable jumper (J3)
10. Programming mode jumper of MB9AF312K (J5)
11. Jumper to connect SW3 to NMIX (J10)
12. On-board voltage select (J15)
13. Select power from CMSIS-DAP (J7)
14. Select power from peripheral (J6)
15. Power supply LED
17. Potentiometer (R11)
18. Jumper for Pin56 multifunction select (J21)
19. Jumper to connect S6E2HG SIN0 to CMSIS-DAP (J19)
20. Programming mode (MD0) jumper of S6E2HG (J18)
21. Battery connector (CN1)
22. Jumper to connect S6E2HG SOT0 to CMSIS-DAP (J20)