4. Factors influencing the Physical Water Treatment
4.4 The Water Quality Factor
The individual composition of water and especially very high concentra-
tions of certain substances can influence the Vulcan treatment.
4.4.1 High concentration of iron (Fe)
Iron is naturally found in water. Very high iron content is typically found
in water wells which then often causes problems with rust. If the iron
content reaches more than
1 mg/l (1 ppm)
it may have a negative
effect on the treatment.
Treating the iron problem:
We advise to treat any problems with
very high iron content in the water with a de-ironing filter. This will
ensure that the Vulcan treatment can reach its full potential.
4.4.2 High concentration of manganese (Mn)
Manganese is naturally found in water. Very high manganese content
is typically found in water wells which then often causes problems with
rust. If the manganese content reaches more than
0,1 mg/l (0,1
it may have a negative effect on the treatment.
Treating the manganese problem:
We advise to treat any problems
with very high manganese content in the water with a de-manganization
filter. This will ensure that the Vulcan treatment can reach its full
4.4.3 High concentration of salts - (Cl, PO, NO
, SO
Sea Water:
Very salty water (e.g. sea water) usually does not lead to
scale problems. In general, ocean water does not affect the performance
of Vulcan and you will see good results.
Cooling towers:
However, high concentration of „salt“ (all sorts of
salts: Cl, PO, NO
, SO
) is a typical cooling tower issue. As cooling
towers are half-open circuits with water constantly evaporating, the
substances in the water constantly concentrate. Within a short time, the
water hardness and the salt level may dramatically increase (e.g. Cl, PO,
, SO
). Here, it is recommended to use Vulcan with water that has a
conductivity of 5000 μ-Siemens or more.
Cl= Clorine, PO= Phosphate, NO
= Nitrate, SO
= Sulfate
4.4.4 Very high concentration of calcium (Ca)
The problems with scale deposits start when the water contains large
amounts of calcium. Vulcan can be successfully applied to water having
a very high to extreme high degrees of hardness. Vulcan has successfully
treated cases with water hardness of 1000 ppm (~ 59 gpg) or more).
Typical extreme-high hardness degrees occur in cooling towers. Here, even
when the conductivity is extremely high (e.g. 5000 μ-Siemens* or more)
Vulcan will show great results. Basically, the harder the water, the more
obvious the results. *Conductivity in cooling towers is measured in micro-
siemens which is an indicator but does not give exact hardness degrees.