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Care and Maintenance Instructions
* Check and tighten hardware after 40 hours of operation.
Periodically inspect and tighten hardware for the remainder of the unit’s life.
* Wash the painted surfaces of the unit with commercial automotive cleaning
* Clean windows with glass cleaner.
* Vinyl components should be washed with a mild solution of warm soapy water.
* Clear vinyl can be easily scratched. Be careful cleaning frost or snow from
windows. Do not roll curtains in cold weather. The windows become stiff and
may crack. Keep windows clean.
On 20 Series models, access Fuel Cap Filler as follows:
From inside of cab, open both pop-out windshield latches and disconnect latches at spring-loaded finger tabs.
Push windshield open far enough to fully open fuel cap filler cover.
Close windshield completely but do not reconnect spring-loaded finger tabs on latches at this time.
From outside of cab, fuel tractor being careful to prevent spillage.
When fueling is complete, open windshield far enough to close the fuel cap filler cover.
From inside of cab, reattach spring-loaded finger tabs.