The application of insecticides is the predominant method by which man attempts to
control the size of insect populations. Due to environmental and economical reasons,
it is desirable to treat a given area with the least amount of insecticide that can be
made to be effective. The most efficient method is to break up the liquids into
aerosols and distribute these fine droplets over the target area. The small droplets
stay suspended for longer periods of time due to their size and are distributed more
evenly, remaining effective longer.
The term ULV is an abbreviation for Ultra-Low-Volume, the technology used to treat
areas with small amounts of chemical in an aerosol form. These chemicals are
usually in a more concentrated state than chemicals used in other methods of
For best results, the Dyna-Fog ULV aerosol generator model 2992 should be
operated and maintained in compliance with this manual. Insecticides must be applied
in compliance with their label instructions.
Read and thoroughly understand all information, cautions and warnings on the
formulation label which may affect personal safety. Know any dangers of the
solution used and know what to do in case of an accident involving the
Always use the appropriate safety equipment and dress accordingly to the
chemical formulation which is being used
The Dyna-Fog Mini-Pro model 2992 ULV Aerosol Generator is designed to disperse
concentrated formulations at flow rates in the range of 0 to 6.5 oz./min. (0-190 ml/min)
with droplet sizes less than 20 microns VMD (Volume-Median-Diameter). Bigger
droplets size and higher flow rates can be obtained for Barrier or Larvacide
This machine is to be vehicle, trailer or wheel kit mounted and is designed to be
operated by the driver of the vehicle using the remote control box or by an operator
close to the machine.