pg. 31
Curtis Model 1351 – December 2018
Note, the Parameter and Monitor variables that are repetitive in nature are described in the following
tables by replacing their individual item “
” with an “
”. Complex parameters may have their
leading item (e.g., 1) as the example, with the subsequent items described using the ‘
” nomenclature.
The programming tools, CSS and the 1313 HHP will always list each item, which has its own unique
CAN Object Index, so the actual parameter-setup programming and monitoring will be item-by-item.
Table 19 Programmable Parameters Menus.
System Controller
As displayed using the Curtis Software Suite
or the 1313 HHP
When setting parameters and commissioning the vehicle, follow these definitions.
CAN in Automation (CiA) is the international users’ and manufacturers’
group for the CAN network (Controller Area Network), internationally
standardized in the ISO 11898 series. CANopen is a CAN-based
communication system. It was designed originally for motion-oriented
machine control systems, such as handling systems. Today it is used in various
application fields, such as medical equipment, off-road vehicles, maritime
electronics, railway applications, or building automation. References include
CiA 301, 303-1, etc.
Driver Types
A High-Side Driver “switches” positive voltage to the load, which is connected
to ground. The driver is essentially the current source to the load. When the
driver is “On”, conventional current is sourced from the high-side driver
through the load and then to ground, completing the circuit.
A Low-Side Driver “switches” the load to ground. The load is always
connected to positive voltage. The driver sinks current from the load, in
essence. The driver has to be “On” to complete the load circuit.
The Curtis F-series controller that are CANbus programmable (not serial
programmable). For example, the AC-F2-A and AC F2-C controllers.
Input/Output. I/O generally refers to the controller 35-pin connector’s input
signals or switches, output signals, power, or low-side drivers. I/O GND (I/O
Ground) is the controller’s ground reference (pin).
Object Index
The object dictionary is essentially a table that stores configuration and
process data. The CANopen standard defines a 16-bit bit index and an 8-bit
sub-index. The object dictionary is the method by which a CANopen device
communicates. Every 1351 parameter and monitor variable has its own
unique CAN Object Index, which is listed in the parameter and monitor
Process Data Objects (PDO). CANopen's real-time data transfer used for
the fast transfer of 8 bytes of data or less without protocol overhead. The
meaning of the data content is defined beforehand by a corresponding PDO
mapping structure within the Device Object Dictionary. See the PDO Setup