Set Manual Control Gain / Output and Brake Light Switches
There are two small switches
located at the rear of the
controller that can be accessed by
removing the rectangular cover.
Once accessed, the switch
positions can be changed
using a small pointed tool.
In the illustration above, the switch on the left (#1) controls the unit's brake light
activation feature. The factory default setting is the 'ON' position with the switch down.
This setting activates the tow vehicle and trailer brake lights when the manual control is
actuated. Moving the switch up to the 'OFF' position turns off the brake light activation
feature and the brake lights are not activated when the manual control is actuated.
The switch on the right (#2) controls the manual trailer brake activation feature. The
factory default setting is the 'ON' position with the switch down. This setting limits the
manual control output to the level set using the output adjustment buttons. Moving this
switch up to the 'OFF' position allows 100% of the output to the brakes when the manual
control is actuated regardless of the output control setting.