54" Galvanized Butterfly Fan
6. Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting Guide
Fan would not Start
1. Check the power supplied to the fan at the point closest to the fan.
2. Check the wiring to the fan.
3. Override the controller (set to manual) and re-check.
4. Contact your Cumberland distributor.
Fan Turns Slow
1. Check the voltage supplied (must be within ±10% if the nominal voltage).
2. De-energize the power and check the wiring at the rear of the motor.
3. De-energize the power, remove the belt and rotate both the motor and fan pulleys. Do they turn
freely? If not, contact your Cumberland distributor.
Fan is Noisy or Vibrates
1. De-energize the fan. Check for loose parts, i.e., bolts, screws, motor, pulleys, prop. Are the fan blades
even? Turn the prop inside of the venturi and look at the blade tips as they move past the same
location. Do they all three appear even? (
NOTE: They can be a little different without any problems.)
If they are significantly different contact your Cumberland distributor for more information
2. Is the noise coming from the bearings? Lubricate per instructions and energize the fan. Did the noise
subside? If not, the bearings are probably damaged and in need of replacement.
Butterfly Flaps do not Close Completely
1. Check vertical alignment of the butterfly frame using a level. If not level, shim the housing out as
described on
2. Check the springs, are they attached? If not, re-attach. Are they stretched and no longer under
tension? Contact your Cumberland distributor for replacements.
3. Check the butterfly flap bushings, are they full of contamination? Rinse with water and remove all
buildup of dirt and contamination. Move the flap by hand until loose and moving freely.
4. Look to see if the flap is bent. With the fan OFF completely close both flaps and look along mating
surface of the butterfly frame. Are all points contacting? If not, bend the flap slightly until all
surfaces contact.