Part No. 4801-5309 rev 1-15
Evolution Back-Up
4 of 17
Main Display
Display Indicator
………. 83 84 85 86 87 88 89
Cool 3 - Tunnel
Cool 2
Cool 1- Vents
Temperature (ºF)
Graph 1
Cool 1, 2, 3 and Heat
3. Introduction to the Evolution Back-Up System
The Evolution system has the
option of containing an integrated
Back-Up System. This Back-Up
System contains 4 stages: 1 Heat
and 3 Cool. This system’s
purpose is to back up the master
controller in the case of failure.
The Back-Up System is a stand-
alone control system. It contains
its own temperature sensors that
react to a High and Low Limit.
This Back-Up System is unlike
any emergency control system on
the market. This system offers a
much higher level of protection.
In addition to being able to
monitor for high and low
temperatures, it also stays in constant communication with the master controller. This communication
allows the Back-Up System to run a minimum ventilation timer on Cool 1 or override the Evolution panel
if certain conditions warrant. The conditions are explained in Section 4. All Back-Up Systems can protect
against a high or low temperature, but only this system can protect against today’s biggest grower concern:
4. Evolution Back-Up Operating Conditions
As explained above, this is more than your customary Back-Up System. This system contains three
separate modes of operation that are entered depending on the circumstances. These modes are Normal
Operation, Emergency Operation, and Override Operation. These modes will be explained in more detail
below. These modes are entered based on information that it has received, or not received, from the master
controller. No matter what mode of operation the Back-Up System is in, it will always attempt to maintain
the temperature inside the High and Low Limits.
Normal Evolution Operation
During Normal Operation, the Back-Up System always maintains the temperature between its high and low
limits. It accomplishes this by using its
temperature sensors and its four stage
outputs. If the temperature drops below
the Low Limit, the Heat stage will come
on. That stage will not turn off until it
warms the building at least 2
. The
same is true if the temperature goes
above the High Limit however, there
are three levels of cooling stages on the
Back-Up System. The following
example explains the operation of the
stages in relationship to the temperature
and the limits. In this example the Low
Limit is set as 66º F, and the High Limit
is set as 86º F. If the
temperature drops to 66º F, then the HEAT stage turns on. The HEAT stage turns off when the
temperature rises to 68º F (1º above the Low Limit). If the temperature rises to 86º F, then COOL 1 turns
on. If the temperature continues to rise to 87º F (1º above the High Limit), then COOL 2 turns on. If the
temperature rises to 89º F, then COOL 3 turns on. Stages turn off at temperatures as indicated by the
arrows in Graph 1. It is important to note, if COOL 3 turns ‘ON’, COOL 1 will be disabled to insure that
sidewall fans or vent inlets are not operating while the Back-Up system is in ‘Tunnel Vent’ mode.