Currahee Cutter User Manual | CK902
Currahee Cutter User Manual | CK902
At CUES, we realize your return on investment is directly related to daily production in the field. By
stocking the largest inventory of OEM equipment in our industry, CUES strives to ship all parts orders
on the same day or within 24 hours after receipt of the order.
Whether you need a camera or a fuse, CUES will quickly process and ship your order in accordance
with your schedule requirements! Our experienced parts professionals can help you with parts
identification, shipping methods, equipment operation questions, and connect you to the correct
specialist for troubleshooting!
CUES offers four convenient stocking locations that contain a large assortment of parts, finished
products, portable, and truck mounted systems. Texas, Arizona, Oklahoma and Louisiana customers
can be serviced by our local dealerships. Contact us at your most convenient stocking location! For
authorized dealer locations, log onto our website at
Parts can be ordered via phone or facsimile! For operating hours, contact information, and locations,
log onto our website at www.cuesinc.com. Contact us at your most convenient stocking location!
Log onto our website at www.cuesinc.com to view the CUES Parts Department & Dealers hours &
CUES Parts Department: Parts turnaround is normally within 24 hours after receipt of order. Please
note that special shipping arrangements can be made at the time of the order. All return shipments
received at CUES freight collect will be refused upon delivery unless previously authorized by CUES
personnel. Normal operating hours are 8am to 5pm, EST., Phone: 800-327-7791, Fax: 800-831-
CUES Service Depot: Service turnaround is normally 72 hours or less upon receipt at our depot,
excluding weekends and holidays. All return shipments received at CUES freight collect will be refused
upon delivery unless previously authorized by CUES personnel. Normal operating hours are 8am to
5pm, EST., Phone: 800-327-7791.