Gateway(config)# ipv6 dhcpv6
server preference [0-255]
Enter the server preference level for the
DHCP server in the Server Preference field.
If multiple DHCP servers exist in a network,
the server with the highest preference level
is allowed to assign the addresses.
Gateway(config)# ipv6 dhcpv6
server rapid-commit-option
Enable Rapid Commit which allows the
server and client to use a two-message
exchange to configure clients, rather than
the default four-message exchange.
No command
Gateway(config)# no ipv6 dhcpv6 server
Disable DHCPv6 server.
Gateway(config)# no ip dhcp server
Disable DHCP mode.
Gateway(config)# no ip dhcpv6 server dns-server
manual dns1
Clear DNS1 IPv6 address.
Gateway(config)# no ip dhcpv6 server dns-server
manual dns2
Clear DNS2 IPv6 address.
Gateway(config)# no ip dhcpv6 server domain-
Return domain name to default.
Gateway(config)# no ip dhcpv6 server ipv6-
Return DHCPv6 server client start to end
IPv6 address to default.
Gateway(config)# no ip dhcpv6 server ipv6-
Return DHCPv6 client IPv6 lease time to
Gateway(config)# no ip dhcpv6 server ipv6-duid-
binding address-reservation [1-20]
Clear the specified address reservation.
Gateway(config)# no ip dhcpv6 server ipv6-duid-
binding mode
Disable IPv6 DUID binding.
Gateway(config)# no ip dhcpv6 server mode
Return DHCPv6 server mode to default.
Gateway(config)# no ip dhcpv6 server preference Retuen preference to default.
Gateway(config)# no ip dhcpv6 server rapid-
Disable rapid commit option.
Show command
Gateway(config)#show ipv6 dhcpv6 server
Display DHCPv6 server configuration.
Gateway(config)#show ipv6 dhcpv6 server client-
Display DHCPv6 clients information.
Gateway(config)#show ipv6 dhcpv6 server ipv6-
Display DHCPv6 IP DUID binding
configuration & reservation table.
3. Assign LAN IPv6 address.
Gateway(config)# ipv6 lan-ipv6
[a:b:c:d:e:f:g:h] Specify LAN IPv6 global address.
Gateway(config)# ipv6 lan-ipv6
Apply LAN IPv6 global address and prefix
No Command
Gateway(config)# no ipv6 lan-
Return LAN IPv6 address to default.
Show Command
Gateway(config)# show ipv6
Display IPv6 LAN network configuration.