CTI Janus Programmable Automation Controller IOG
This section discusses the items to consider while planning the Janus Controller installation and the actual steps for
installation of the module.
Installation Planning
Safety Considerations
Before installing the controller, you must identify the personnel hazards that may be created in the event of a
system failure and provide interlocks and safety switches to prevent operation during a system failure.
As a system designer, you should be aware that Control devices can fail in an unsafe condition. Unless you
incorporate proper safeguards, malfunction of the controller or associated devices, such as operator
interface equipment, could cause sudden equipment startup, shutdown, or other unexpected operation.
Such startup or shutdown or unexpected operation could result in death or serious injury to personnel,
and/or damage to equipment.
If you or your company are using CTI controllers with processes or equipment that requires the presence of
a person (such as an operator or attendant), you should be aware of this potential safety hazard and take
appropriate precautions.
Safety Recommendations
Consideration should be given to the use of an emergency stop function which is independent of the
programmable controller. Where the operator is exposed to the machinery, such as in loading or unloading a
machine tool, or where the machine cycles automatically, consideration should be given to the use of an
electromechanical override or other redundant means for stopping the machine cycle. If provision is required for
changing programs while the equipment is in operation, consideration should be given to the use of locks or other
means of assuring that such changes can be made only by authorized personnel. These recommendations are
intended as safeguards against the failure of critical components and the effects of such failures or the inadvertent
errors that might be introduced if programs are changed while the equipment is in operation.
Operator Safety Switches
Power should be configured so that it can be manually removed from all output devices. You must provide a
method that is independent of the control system for disconnecting power from the outputs when a machine is
not operating or the operator must reach into the machine. A non-electronic switch or directly wired relay must be
used to disconnect the power.
Emergency Stop Switch
You must provide a method for disconnecting power from the outputs if an emergency situation is encountered
with the machine operation. Use a non-electronic switch or relay that is wired external to the controller and that is
easily accessible.