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Wallbox memory
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10.2 Cards
The wallbox Front Panel Processor automatically backs up every card’s settings whenever
they are changed. These values can be restored automatically or manually as required –
The settings files for automatic backups are stored on a slot by slot basis and have filenames
‘settings.N.xml.gz’ where ‘N’ is the slot number. These files are stored in a folder ‘backup’
which is accessible by FTP:
Typical contents of ‘backup’ folder showing settings for slots 1 and 2
If the ‘Auto Restore’ option is enabled then these files are automatically resent to the card in
the slot on power up, reset and when a card is re-inserted.
With an FTP connection from a PC it is possible to copy these files, rename them if
necessary, to make them more relevant, and use them for the manual restore operation.
Settings files for manual restoration are stored in the folder ‘import’:
Typical contents of ‘import’ folder showing renamed settings files for two slots
Currently, files cannot be ‘drag and dropped’ from the backup folder to the import folder but
must be copied into a PC local folder first. The transferred file can be renamed to something
more relevant to its function. Manual restore gives the option of using a single settings file
from the import folder to be sent to one or more slots. This is particularly useful for initial
setting up of multiple cards which need to be configured identically as only one need be
configured and then applied to the others. When copying any settings via FTP the frame will
require a reboot in order for the new settings to take effect.
Wallbox Q-Down User Manual R1.0
08 August 2016