Crystal Vision
Remote control
via Ethernet
Note: The # symbol indicates that the rest of the line is comment.
Editing the ‘passwd.html’ page in Notepad
Exit and save changes.
Copy the file back to the frame replacing the original version.
Reboot the frame. Once the frame has rebooted the new access permissions will apply
and a Windows Security window will open when a VisionWeb user attempts to access a
slot or the frame’s settings:
Windows Security window
You can add multiple new users at the same time if you want, by adding multiple lines at the
file editing stage.
To delete a user:
To disable authentication, so that no username/password is required:
Delete all the users from the passwd.http file by deleting the relevant lines. Leave the rest of
the file in place, in case you want to enable passwords in future. Needs a reboot to take
Wallbox Q-Down User Manual R1.0
08 August 2016