Crystal Vision
Pillarbox 14:9 and Letterbox greater than 16:9
will give a centre cut conversion and set output
WSS to full format 4:3.
Selecting Auto Adaptive for any full frame
input will give an Anamorphic aspect ratio with
WSS set to full frame 16:9. Pillarbox 4:3 will
give a centre cut conversion and set output
WSS to full format 4:3. Undefined/reserved,
Pillarbox 14:9 and Letterbox greater than16:9
will make no change so the previous
conversion will remain. On power up the
default conversion will be Anamorphic.
RGB Proc-Amp
Set up lift and gain of the output signal in the RGB domain.
RGB Lift and Gain
Wallbox Q-Down’s RGB lift and gain controls allow independent
digital image adjustments in the RGB domain, essential for
maintaining colour fidelity. In normal operation the RGB proc-
amp is active simultaneously on both the digital and analogue
outputs. Should the Wallbox Q-Down be put into bypass mode
the proc-amps will only effect the analogue output. The digital
proc-amps will be disabled as shown by the Disabled status
On if the RGB Lift and Gain controls are disabled in ‘Bypass’
Return the Lift and Gain controls to their default values of 0 lift
and 100% gain.
Wallbox Q-Down User Manual R1.0
08 August 2016