up Sequence:
Turn Water on to unit (confirm flow from faucets)
Plug unit in and toggle On/Off switch to the On position.
Turn CO2 on at tank. (carb tank may need to be bled)
Review system operation & maintenance w/ customer
Water Filters, CR
14FC and CR
Water On. Filters flushed via the flush valve and flowing water.
Water pressure thought filter system above 50 psi and not dropping off.
50PSI water pressure reducer valve installed in the correct direction and after the water filter system.
All connections leak free.
CO2 hose from unit: flare nut connection on end of CO2 Hose tight to CR
3741 CO2 Regulator
(Be sure to use nylon washer supplied with Reg in fitting).
CO2 Reg connected to CO2 tank (card board/plastic washer used) tight and leak free.
CO2 Tank Full, Completely Opened and Set to 75 PSI.
CBR tower:
Faucets tight to shank and positioned vertically. Free of leaks. Customer has faucet wrench and
instructed how to us it.
Handles are screwed down tight, front facing and on the appropriate faucet.
Sparkling water; cold, carbonated and tastes clean and pure. (Run a few liters of water; is carb pump
cycling on and flow consistent without gassing out).
Still Water: cold and consistent flow. Tastes clean and pure.
Flow adjustment on faucets set and knob tightened down so flow rate appropriate and locked in.
Connections to tower made using supplied Superseal JG fittings from kit and leak free.
All exposed Hoses and Fittings all wrapped in insulated foam tape.
Remote Chiller: Unit on.
Unit On and Plugged into a dedicated 120V outlet.
Cabinet properly ventilated to handle BTU load of unit heat. Can fresh air draw in and hot air vent out.
Unit free of obstructions around it and can vent.
If using CR
TFB1 fan box, confirm it is in place, plugged in and cycling on and off at 90 degrees.
Rear outlet connections for trunkline (hoses and fittings) to tower wrapped in insulted tape and leak free.
Water Inlet connection to unit leak free and not pinched off anywhere
Water Bath filled with non filtered water up to the top of the white stand pipe.
Notes and Signature:
Register unit