CXM543 User’s Manual
Doc.# 6001-0015 Rev 1.2
Page 31
The forward direction should now face east.
Type HP followed by a carriage return.
“Rotate 90 degrees clockwise about the z axis then press HP”
The forward direction should now face south.
Type HP followed by a carriage return.
“Rotate 90 degrees clockwise about the z axis then press HP”
The forward direction should now face west.
Type HP followed by a carriage return.
At this time, the CXM543 will automatically calculate the hard iron offsets
and display them. Also displayed is a set of parameters indicating the
quality of the fit. If the residuals without correction are substantially larger
than those with correction, this indicates that the hard iron correction would
improve orientation accuracy. The hard iron correction can be turned on by
typing “HI” followed by a carriage return.
The hard iron correction will not be accurate unless the magnetic
environment is of a uniform field (other than the hard iron field). The data
obtained near large magnetic objects not on the platform will not be
accurate, for example.
The correction will only be accurate if the sensor has been calibrated for
scale and orthogonality, which is normally the case.
In some cases, highly permeable material on the platform can interfere with
obtaining an accurate correction. This is often referred to as a “soft iron”
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SUNSTAR自动化 TEL: 0755-83376489 FAX:0755-83376182 E-MAIL:[email protected]