CXM543 User’s Manual
Doc.# 6001-0015 Rev 1.2
Page 27
The CXM543 and the terminal emulator must both be set to the same baud
rate (usually 9600). If the CXM543 baud rate is unknown or cannot be
used, you may need to temporarily set the CXM543 to Config. mode. In
Config. mode, the sensor is always at 9600 baud. The Run mode baud rate
can be set only when the sensor is in Config. mode. If a 543 Breakout Box
is available, then set up the sensor as described in section 4.1 of the manual.
The mode switch on the box should be in “Run” not “Auto” or “Config”. If
a connection box is not available, then the sensor will have to be connected
by means of homemade wiring. Chapter 3 provides the pin out of the
sensor. The ground should be connected to the computer ground and the
negative side of the power supply. RS 232 out from the CXM543 should be
connected to RS 232 in on the PC serial port, while RS 232 in should be
connected to RS 232 out on the PC serial port. The power supply positive
should be connected to +V (+7.5 to +15 Volts). The TTL serial lines and
the configure line can be left unconnected, but not grounded. In particular,
do not ground the configure pin (pin 8) during the hard iron correction.
Grounding this pin will set the CXM543 to Config. mode.
When the PC is connected and running a terminal emulator program, the
string “APS 543 V1.162” should be displayed. If the CXM543 follows this
with a stream of data, then type “s ” and a carriage return to take it out of
autosend mode. The CXM543 can be checked out using the procedure
described in Section 4.2.
Determining the Hard Iron Offset and Enabling the Hard
Iron Correction
Once the CXM543 is connected, communicating and in Run mode, one can
determine the hard iron correction. The hard iron offset can only be
determined with the CXM543 rigidly mounted to a platform and the entire
platform must be moved during the correction procedure, as will be
described. The hard iron correction which uses this offset can be turned on
or off.
The CXM543 is described in the following text as having x, y, and z axis.
These are a set of approximately orthogonal directions described by the
label on the top of the sensor. One might think of these as the forward
direction, the sideways direction and the up direction for the platform. The
“left side” is the left side of an imaginary pilot facing forward and sitting
with his head up. Left and right side do not refer to the left and right of the
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