Copyright © 2016 The Crosby Group LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Some illustrations have been included on the inside of the front cover of damaged and
worn (rejected) pivots and camsegments with explanations. In most cases however the
areas of damage are much less extensive. In doubtful cases an authorised repairer
should assess the clamp.
How to operate the clamp
IPSTARTEC11 lifting clamps are suitable for horizontal (with flanges horizontal) lifting,
transport, stacking and controlled tilting of steel IPE- en HEA-profiles. For the clamp
range of the clamp see the diagram below.
Jaw opening
Clamp range
Clamp range
6 – 12 mm
5 – 15 mm
100 - 160
6 – 20 mm
5 – 25 mm
160 - 240
Table 1: Clamp range IPSTARTEC11
See illustrations 3-13 for part reference.
1. Open the clamp by pulling the latch lever (A) towards the hand grip (X). Place the
clamp securely and as far possible over the profile (3).
2. Release the latch lever, so that the clamp stays in pretensioned position on the
profile. The pivot (C) must be fully in touch with the profile to be lifted (4).
3. Bring the guiding wheel (H) in lift position. The chain (Z) must be completely
untensioned and always behind the guiding wheel (H). The load can now be lifted
As soon as the load is at its destination let the crane hook descend until the clamp
is fully free of load, meaning that the lifting chain is no longer taut (6).
5. Keep the latch lever (A) against the hand grip (X), so that the clamp can be
removed from the load. The clamp may now be used again immediately (7).
The pivot(s) and the camsegment are the most critical parts in the clamp and require extra
attention during inspection. Ensure in any event for good light during inspection. Observe
the following rules during every inspection:
Reject when the sharpness of
ring has disappeared for 50% or more.
Camsegment: Reject when the sharpness of
tooth is compromised for 50% or more.