FMUX/S-4E1-E2 Multiplexer
Copyright © 2007 Cronyx
4.9. 'Login to remote FMUX' command
The '
Login to remote FMUX
' command allows connecting to the remote multiplexer menu.
An example of the remote menu is given below. To disconnect from the remote menu,
type ^X (Ctrl-X).
Remote login...
(Press ^X to exit)
Cronyx FMUX / 4E1-SNMP revision D, 28/07/2004
Mode: Normal; Sensor=Open
Link: Ok
1. Link statistics
2. Port statistics
3. Event counters
4. Loopback...
5. Configure...
0. Reset
Remote (^X to exit): _
In the remote login mode, it is possible to view the device modes, link state, and local and
remote error statistics. It is also permitted to set device modes (see the 'Configure' menu)
and port loops. It is not possible to enable the BER tester, or set loops on the link links.
4.10. 'Reset' command
The '
' causes the multiplexer to reset. The modes stored in the nonvolatile memory
(NVRAM) are set during this.