Chapter Three
Operating Organelle
by Itself
Using Organelle’s internal operating system.
As we stated early on and as the configuration ideas have shown, Organelle is a fully
capable stand-alone instrument. To use Organelle in this fashion requires understanding the
workings of its internal operating system. By learning the options provided by Organelle’s
software along with the uses of the Selector encoder and the on-board display, you will be
ready to travel and perform with Organelle alone.
In this chapter, we’ll explore where this combination of the Selector and on-board display
can go, and we will also go through the default MIDI operation of Organelle and how
connected USB MIDI devices interface with Organelle.
These topic areas will prepare you for general use of Organelle. So let’s start using it now
and get the pretty box singing.
The Selector and the On-board Display
To interface with Organelle, we will primarily work with two of its components. The Selector
encoder allows us to navigate system options and execute functions, and the on-board
display shows us the choices we have and provides feedback on our current patch and
In order of appearance, we will cover the two primary screens that peek out at us from the
on-board display.
Menu Screen
When Organelle is powered up, it first runs through its boot sequence and then drops us
into its
menu screen